Thursday, 11 October 2012


Today I read an interesting tweet that went like this...'China has got a plan for Africa, Africa we need a plan for China', interesting, huh?!! Now these Chinese people do not only have a plan for Africa, am thinking they got a plan for the world especially on the plan that concerns all of us earthlings...CLIMATE CHANGE!
For one, these Chinese were able to reclaim previously arid land back into forested area and guess what size of land.... As BIG as France! In addition, they are transforming their environment one pupil at a time. How? Every primary school child is being taken through a thorough education system which is part of the syllabus. Recently at the UNEP headquarters here in Kenya a number of their pupils flew in to receive awards for the best drawing depicting environmental conservation. Apparently, the top candidate was a Chinese young girl! If that is not enough these children have got fully trained teachers dedicated to imparting this 'hot potato' subject to their pupils. I doubt these teachers would dare go for strike given the gravity of Climate Change!
In Kenya we got a problem because we are interested more in cutting trees than in planting for the generations to come. Am not too sure if you pupils, 'the next generation' would be able to get this my heartfelt message by reading this my blog, but even if you wont be able to, I will be bringing this to your school soon. Now' I want you to demand a tree seedling and request for a point in your school compound so that you may be able to plant it and then mobilize your classmates to do the same. Or better still you can do the same at your home or a public park or forest near you. After you do the planting, the homework has got to be done daily, watering weeding and taking care of it just like mum or dad or guardian took care of you since you were a baby up to now that you are going to plant a tree. For you adults, are you sure you want me to advise you the same like the children? NO! Be good examples, and offer leadership if you love your son or daughter or little nephew or niece or little brother or sister. Let us meet at the garden to plant the one tree that would make us create the change we want to see.... Ciao!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

alex.kubasu: My Bike My Life...

alex.kubasu: My Bike My Life...:                                                       I need to own a Bike.... Sooonest! Who wants to join me? The Reasons are as follows....

My Bike My Life...

                                                      Flower Powered
I need to own a Bike.... Sooonest! Who wants to join me?
The Reasons are as follows....
1.Cycling will improve my cardiovascular  health...
2. Cycling will improve my strength and muscle tone...
3. Cycling is Fun...
4. Being Kenyan, cycling to work will save me the agony of painful and wasteful traffic..
5. Cycling will build my stamina...
6. A bike is cheap and easy to maintain...
7. Cycling improves my coordination skills...
8. Cycling will reduce my stress levels...
9. Cycling is stylish...
10. Cycling is just unique...

And of course, I am a 'Muluhya man' and You know how Much we are associated with Bicycles in Western Kenya...? Ask around -:)

Now more serious matters...

Have you ever imagined bicycle traffic jam in the streets of Nairobi as opposed to the Motor vehicles...? And do you know how much benefits enlisted here up we Kenyans and Populations of the world would enjoy in addition to our environment if we all embrace riding of Bicycles?

Rain or Shine, Bicycles are best  and 'The Bicycle Movement Party' is here. Get Your Bike today and race towards doing the little things that will save our World...

Climate change is a reality and you can assist in its fight by acquiring that ride and parking your car, and, lets ride to a wonderful new world...

Am getting my Ride of Life soon...when are you?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Time To Go Home

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


They say pictures speak a thousand words, or what do they say...? Ok the point is when you see a single picture, you can write a complete essay of one thousand words plus. This is so true. If you doubt this, check out these four photos I have posted from the outskirts of Ngong Town, and I do not want very many words, give me just ten words, as a description for each of the photos. 

It is sad that greediness, unprofessionalism and myopic non-progressive Kenyans or even Non-Kenyans throw caution out of the window and set up fellow humans to some of the most avoidable tragedies, if and only if they could pay an iota of attention.

I hope that if you are reading this article from whichever nook or crook of this our wonderful and beautiful planet earth, you are not one from the breed of this uncaring "professionals". 
I really hope against hope that you are not, and if you are, then from today, please be transformed and be a brother and sisters' keeper.

Progress as a nation is collective, not individualistic. So do not deluge yourself that if you seem to be making headway in life courtesy of chest-thumping and stepping on your unsuspecting clients' toes, you run the town, it is only a matter of time.Climb gracefully and honestly so that in case you come down you will be welcome with open arms, literally. 

The greatest crisis of our lives is each and everyone of us shall live to the end.....and.... the earth is a "complete circle". 
A lot of Swahili sayings there stated in English...-:)