Monday 4 February 2013


Hello Good people, it has been Long! Long indeed it has been! But not any longer. We have been silent and apparently politics have taken priority as it usually does, but not any longer!! Here comes a debate on LinkedIn by One, Brennan Jorgensen:

Globally, What is the Single best strategy for mitigating anthropogenic climate change? 

Here are His Suggestions:

• Energy conservation/ efficiency pertains to not only reducing energy demand by residential and commercial buildings but also increasing fuel efficiency standards in the transportation sector in addition to more mass transit. Hybrid and electric vehicles can also be included in this category.

• Renewable energies include solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal and biomass/biofuels.

• The nuclear energy category includes not only uranium-based nuclear fission but also next generation nuclear technologies such as traveling wave reactors, thorium-fission and possibly hydrogen fusion.

• Planetary geoengineering refers to various methodologies including carbon capture and storage, biochar, ocean-iron fertilization, terraforming deserts with agriculture and forestry. It also includes solar radiation management (SRM) including stratospheric aerosols, cloud brightening and white roofs.

• Slowing population growth refers to increasing women’s rights and providing better access to birth control for both genders. Enacting one-child policies can also be included in this category.

***If you want to provide a ranking of the effectiveness of each category (1st, 2nd, 3rd..) rather than choosing a single best answer please feel free to post this.  

What say U?

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